Own Yourself

It's hard enough to be yourself in a society where you have to look a certain way,talk a certain way, walk a certain way to be accepted. That's why I'm not telling you to be yourself, I'm telling you to own yourself. Own your looks, own your walk,own your talk cos guess what?There can never be another you.That's right. You are a limited edition. One of a kind,specially made person.Who cares what anyone else thinks?
You have to learn to love yourself cos no one can love you like YOU do.If you don't love yourself no one else will. What's not to love? You have everything you needto succeed. You are you.
You are amazing. Wonderfully made.
One way to own yourself is to identify your purpose
What are you good at?What do you do effortlessly?
Another way is to walk in your purpose.
Act.Rule your world.
Find someone who is already successful in what you want to do and allow yourself to be mentored.

Rock yourself cos you only come once!


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