Adventures of"The Unique Girls "By Mariah Episode 1

It was a bubbling event for freshers on friday the 15th of November 2011. Everyone was dancing and happy to be in the university and I was overjoyed because I was one of the few people who always dreamt about the university and now I was finally here. Following the instructions my parents left me before I resumed school, I quickly left for my hostel immediately before my dad would start calling to find out where I was. Trust me, that was a question I did not want to answer.

At about 10:00pm on that same day, I was in my room just about  to go to bed when i heard a knock on my door. I stood up to open the door and to my surprise, I saw seven beautiful and classy ladies who were dazzling from head to toe.
I couldnt help but stare at them for over 40secs before I asked them to come in. Their names were Fatty, Beebah, Motun, Rashy, Stella, Moyo and Kenny.Even when they were introducing themselves,i just kept staring at their outfits. 
Then there was this short girl amongst them; Kenny. She was so short that I almost thought she was a younger sister to one of the other girls; not until they mentioned that she was the leader of the clique. Mehn! I was dazed.

They came in different sizes and shapes but they were all beautiful. Motun and Beebah were big and fierce; I almost thought they sent them to beat me up. Lol. Fatty and rashy on the other hand looked friendly but they were the talkatives. Stella was the one who carried their bags for them. Everything was just weird to me, especially the way the short babe was commanding all of them.

After sometime,they stated the reason why they came,they said they saw that I had potentials and they wanted me to join their Clique. Without thinking twice, I just jumped at the offer. Did I mention that these girls bought a new dress for me so that I could accompany them to the club? Damn! I was lost for words.

Watch out for Episode 2 next Wednesday. 

Follow @MARIAH_AYO on instagram.


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