Uzoma looked across the table and stared. How could it be possible. Her exact look alike sat across her with a smug smile.She couldn't believe it.
A few weeks ago her friend told her that she mistakenly sent a request to someone who looked exactly like her.She didn't believe it until she checked out the profile on facebook. She sent a request. They started chatting and then they finally agreed to meet.They were in Indigo Cafe in Ikoyi.
"So are you going to stare all day or what?"Uremma asked with amusement. "The only reason I agreed to this ridiculous arrangement was to prove to my parents that they are liars."
"Oh."Uzoma shrugged. "I think we might be adopted. "
"Are you still thinking?Of course we are.You see we need to find out."Ure smiled cheekily.
"What are you thinking?"Uzoma asked.
"I know someone through someone who is a p.i."Ure groaned at Uzoma's look of confusion. "Private investigator?Aren't you supposed to be smart or something? "
Uzoma ignored her snide comment."Okay,sounds like a plan."
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