The Hero

The world so badly wants a hero.
Someone they can look up to.
Call a messiah.
A saviour of some sort.
Someone to bring change.
Don't we all need a change agent?
We all want someone to lead us in these dark times.
To shine a light on these dark roads.
A lighthouse of some sort.
A torchlight if you may.
Someone who is willing to take the burden of carrying the staff of sacrifice.
But you see...
Someone has done that already.
Several centuries ago.
On a lonely cross in Golgotha.
Beside two theives.
An undeserved death.
An unjust trial.
Corrupt officials.
A crying mother
Aggrieved disciples.
A lonely tomb.
But behold!
He arose with healing in his wings.
Isn't this a magnificent story?
Well it is.
Because it actually happened
It did.
A certain man.
Born in a manger.
In Bethlehem.
A carpenter.
A teacher.
A master.
The man who welcomed prostitutes.
Dined with thieves.
The life of a party in Cana,Galilee.
And this man...
Is..A hero.

Image taken from the internet


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