The Officer
The Officer at work
Minding his own business.
Or so he thought.
When all of a sudden
Something happened.
Yh...that dramatic.
So...his boss just came back
From a very far journey.
Ha!How could he have arrived so early?
He was meant to come back in two weeks.
Two weeks!
How could he have come back so soon?
The Officer hadn't even began to work.
At all.
The Officer scurried about aimlessly
Like a headless chicken, searching for grains in the sand.
If only he had started earlier he would have been done.
Now the master has come and it is too late.
To start work.
For he had arrived.
The Officer hesistated.
What if?
What if he lost his job?
How would he survive?
If only he had been wise.
If only he had been thoughtful.
He heard the footsteps of the master.
And the once assuring steps caused his heart to race.
The Master opened the door.
For a second time seemed to stop.
Thoughts whirled like winds of supense.
The Master took a step towards him.
The Officer held his breath.
The Master smiled and brought something from his bag.
Something that looked a little odd.
The Master unwrapped it carefully.
It was a gold compass.
The Master handed it to the officer.
And said;You are precious.
Overwhelmed the Officer burst into tears.
It was too much.
He deserved to...lose his job.
And yet...he received a gift which would change his status.
Like many of us,the officer received a judgement that was undeserved.
So...this is a story about redemption.
Its about the officer.
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