Life is like a boxing game

Life is fulĺ of ups and downs,
Highs and lows,
Life is not for the fickle minded
Life is full of blows.
You have to take a step of faith.
You have to get back up again.

Whoever tells you,
That life is easy, is lying.
Don't ignore the problems
Don't focus on them either,
Recognise and tackle them.

A champion is no coward.
A champion fights,
and gets back up again.
A champion is not someone,
who runs away from a war.
But someone who is not easily fazed by defeat.

You see,defeat is not failure,
But a masked opportunity,
To try harder,
But this time,
A better improved strategy.

Regroup and replan.
Enforce and think.
What can you do differently?
Never be afraid of defeat,
Never forget,
Problem is another way opportunity is spelt.

Like a boxer,
Hold your head up,
Chin high,
And stand up,
From that corner of defeat.

Get back to the ring,
But before that,
Win in your mind,
Believe that it is impossible for you to lose.
Talk like a winner,
Walk like a winner.
Be positive.
Expect only the best.

Prepare for the rematch,
Study your opponents moves,
Anticipate the blows,
from your contender.
Don't magnify your problems,
Magnify your God and your strengths.

Now that you are a winner in your mind,
Now win in the match,
Blow strategically,
Know when to holdback,
Know when to hit.

Now you are a winner,
Don't let it get to your head.
Give the glory to God
Life is like a boxing game.

Image taken from Internet


  1. Brilliant!

    The greatest enemy one has to deal with is oneself.

    Keep the good work ongoing!

    More blessing dear.

    1. Thank you so much Bolaji!This means so much!Blessings to you too.

  2. Thank you Disun.It means alot!

  3. I was blessed by this write up. True talk and keep it up

    1. Thank you so much ma.I am humbled by your comment!

  4. Study your opponents moves,
    Anticipate the blows

    Know when to holdback,
    Know when to hit

    Those are my favorite lines from the poem. Keep it up.

    1. Thank you so much Shuyi!Strategy is key! I will!

  5. 'Defeat is no failure but masked opportunity'. Very true! Once again, the queen is on point! A brilliant piece.

  6. Grace,keep it up...and always "give the glory to God".

    1. Thank you oh!Afolabi 6.0!That means alot!I will!

  7. Hi love! DZ is is a beautiful piece

  8. Wow, this is really nice. I can't believe you composed this and it's really encouraging too.

  9. Great write up. It's full of truth and it's really deep.

  10. Great write up. It's full of truth and it's really deep.


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